wellness Post

The 7 Most Popular Plastic Surgery Procedures

According to data from the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS), plastic surgery (or cosmetic surgery) is more popular than ever before. The ASPS indicates that approximately 17.5 million cosmetic surgery procedures were last year in the U.S, with minimally invasive surgeries (i.e., injections, fillers, and chemical peels) increasing almost 200% since the year 2000. For instance, plastic surgeons say the most popular invasive cosmetic procedures in 2017 include breast augmentations and liposuction—while Botox and tissue fillers topped the list of minimally-invasive cosmetic procedures. Here are the most popular plastic surgeries in America at the moment: 1. Breast augmentation Topping the list of plastic surgeries is breast augmentation, with a surprising 300,378 of augmentation mammoplasty performed in last year. Breast augmentation and breast implants or fat transfer (or taking fat from one area and using it to boost breast volume) to increase the size and improve the shape of a patient’s breasts. Many female patients undergo breast aug after pregnancy, severe weight loss, or after a mastectomy (removal with breast cancer). While a breast augmentation won’t improve sagging breasts, a breast lift surgery is often conducted in combination with breast augmentation surgery. 2. Liposuction A surprising 246,354 U.S. patients underwent liposuction, or lipo, last year according to the ASPS, to slim and tone specific body contours.

The Most Common Pet Prescribed Medications

Every pet owner fears a beloved pet getting sick or injured. However, beware administering human medications to your pet in order to treat an infection or ease their pain. Research from the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) warns that many over-the-counter human drugs can be fatal for cats and dogs. In reality, small-animal toxic exposure due to administering dangerous medications to pets made up 75% percent of toxin exposure cases in U.S. veterinary offices last year. This is why it’s imperative to bring your pet to the vet if he or she is sick, and to only give your pet medications approved by a veterinary professional when they are sick or injured. According to the AVMA, these are the most common veterinary-prescribed medications for cats and dogs: 1. Antiparasitics Antiparasitic drugs are often prescribed by vets to treat a number of external or internal parasites—such as fleas, ticks, heartworm, giardia (or intestinal protozoans), and other intestinal worms (i.e., tapeworms and roundworms). 2. Corticosteroids Corticosteroids (i.e., prednisone and dexamethasone) are steroid hormones naturally excreted by your pet’s adrenal glands. These steroid hormones are secreted in response to inflammation, low electrolyte levels, metabolism, stress, and threats to the immune system. However, sometimes vets prescribe a course of high dose corticosteroid treatment to treat allergies allergies and chronic inflammation (as anti-inflammatories) in cats and dogs.