Symptoms of Adult ADHD
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, more commonly known as ADHD, is a type of mental disorder that has its roots in the individual’s neurological development. This condition affects around 5% children in the country and some of them tend to carry the symptoms of this disorder to their adulthood as well. If the symptoms of ADHD in adults are neglected for a period of time, it can cause a lot of mental and physical problems for the individual which will interfere with the individual’s relationships and cause undue strain to the person and the loved ones. It is imperative that people read about the symptoms of adult ADHD and help the individual seek medical help to deal effectively with the condition. The prominent symptoms of ADHD in adults are as follows- Lack of focus The most obvious symptom of ADHD in adults is lack of focus. The individual fails to focus on anything and everything. This lack of focus isn’t the usual absent-mindedness; the person might find it increasingly difficult to focus on matters at hand, can be easily distracted from the task, and find it difficult to listen to conversations. Such people tend to overlook important details and are often unable to complete the task at hand.