Treatment Options for Testosterone Deficiency

Treatment Options for Testosterone Deficiency

The hormone that is responsible for the development of male external genitalia is known as testosterone. It is also the hormone that is responsible for secondary sexual characteristics. These testosterone hormones are produced by testicles. Testosterone is important for maintaining muscle bulk, red blood cells, and bone density. Sufficient levels of testosterone support not only sexual and reproductive function but also contributes to a man’s sense of vitality and well-being. As men age, the production of testosterone in their body reduces gradually. This natural decline starts at the age of 30 and continues for the rest of their life.

The condition where the testosterone deficiency causes problems in testicles, pituitary glands, and hypothalamus is known as male hypogonadism. Men who may have an injury on their testicles or are suffering from HIV or AIDS are usually at the risk of this condition. Moreover, if one has gone through any radiation therapy or had undescended testicles as an infant, they are at a risk for hypogonadism.

Testosterone replacement therapy (TRT)
The diagnosis of hypogonadism is done by the doctor by conducting physical examinations and blood tests. If testosterone deficiency is detected, the doctor may consider testing further in order to know the cause of the same. The treatment for this commonly includes testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) in the form of injections, patches, and gels. However, there are certain risks with this therapy, especially in the long run. There can be side effects like sleep apnea, increase in the risk of heart disease, limited sperm production, and testicle shrinkage. While there are some risks involved in TRT, there are risks involved in testosterone deficiency as well. Stroke, heart failure, and hip fracture are some of the risks. Hence, if you have hypogonadism or low levels of testosterone in general, consult your doctor regarding TRT and know both, the risks and benefits of it.

There are also alternative treatments that may help to increase your testosterone levels. These lifestyle changes don’t involve hormone therapy and are easy to incorporate into your everyday life.

  • Maintain a healthy weight
    If you are overweight, you have a higher tendency to have testosterone deficiency. Losing weight can increase the levels of testosterone in your body.
  • Have an active lifestyle
    Testosterone is produced less in the body of men who live a sedentary lifestyle as their body doesn’t require much testosterone. Also, weight lifting and similar exercises that keep your muscles moving help to increase the testosterone levels.
  • Get proper sleep
    Lack of sleep affects the hormone levels in your body. Ensure that you sleep well for around 7 to 8 hours. Also, when it comes to sleep, along with the duration, it is also important that you have uninterrupted, sound sleep.
  • Follow a healthy diet
    Consuming foods that are rich in vitamin D and contain more zinc are great for increasing testosterone levels. Also, consume more nuts and beans in your diet. Some pieces of evidence also suggest that coffee helps in increasing testosterone levels. So, enjoy your morning coffee!