Treatment and Surgical Options for Muscle Atrophy

Treatment and Surgical Options for Muscle Atrophy

Muscle atrophy is a condition that demands your undivided attention. Often referred to as muscle wasting or muscle loss, muscle atrophy is a condition where your muscles deteriorate gradually, shrink and your muscle mass reduces at an alarming rate.

Why does this happen? Most of the causes of this disorder revolve around one single factor – poor lifestyle. If you are living a sedentary lifestyle, have a desk job, and don’t remember the last time you worked out, then you are at high risks of developing this condition. Another cause could be if you are bedridden due to some severe injury and have not put your muscles to use since a long period.

Fortunately, with exercises and by a positive transformation of your poor lifestyle, you can easily manage and treat muscle atrophy.

Read this article to know what are the best treatment options that you can consider for curing muscle atrophy.

  • Medications
    Doctors recommend treatment options after gauging the severity of the muscle wasting. For temporary relief from the inflammation and the pain caused by the compression of the affected nerves, doctors might prescribe anti-inflammatory medicines like corticosteroid.
  • Non-invasive options and Surgery
    Surgery is a popular treatment choice if the patient suffers from contracture deformity, where the naturally elastic tissues become non-elastic and they prevent normal movement of your body parts. Note that surgery is only recommended by the doctors when the muscle loss is severe and cannot be treated by non- invasive techniques. A common non-invasive treatment method used today is ultrasound therapy, where sound waves are used to cure the affected nerves. Electro muscular stimulation(EMS) is another method where a low voltage electric current is used to stimulate the denervated muscles, i.e. the muscles where the nerve supply is lost.
  • Alternative therapies
    Physical therapy is one of the most common alternative therapies that doctors recommend. By taking physical therapy sessions, you can stretch your unused muscles. By doing so, you improve your range of motion and your joint health. Another alternative treatment option is chiropractic care. A chiropractor will carry out musculoskeletal manipulation that will help in reducing the pressure on the affected nerves. This is done by stretching the spinal column to relieve the pressure on the crammed nerves.
  • Positive lifestyle changes
    Exercising will help in reversing a case of muscle atrophy that is caused by disuse of the muscles. Note that it is important for patients suffering from muscle atrophy to get a physical test done by your doctor before they start their exercise regime. The patients are often prescribed to go on a protein-rich diet. This is because protein helps in the rebuilding and growth of the muscle tissues which is the primary lookout in such cases. An ideal diet for these patients would be one that is rich in lean protein, complex carbohydrates, mineral, vitamins, and fat.

The key to battling muscle atrophy is to make sure that your muscles don’t waste away. If you are not bedridden, then the best way to reverse muscle wasting is by working out and staying active.So, join a swimming class, indulge in cardio exercises and take regular brisk walks to ensure that your muscles are put to good use.