Treating and Preventing Hypertension

Treating and Preventing Hypertension

Hypertension, also known as high blood pressure is a condition that is characterized by excess force of blood pumped against the walls of the arteries. The long-term dysfunction can eventually drive severe health complications like heart disease and stroke. The blood pressure depends on the blood being pumped out by the heart and the resistance of the blood flow in the arteries. The blood pressure increases when the rate of blood pumped increases along with the narrowing of the arteries.

A large population of the world today suffers from hypertension. Typically, this condition can go unnoticed for years as it does not come with common signs and symptoms. Fortunately, hypertension can be easily detected during a routine body checkup. Diagnosis must be immediately followed by effective treatment and prevention of dangerously high levels in order to remain safe from the effects of the same.

Treatment and medications for hypertension

Hypertension cannot be cured completely; however, effective treatment options aim at keeping blood levels in check. For starters, the doctor will administer medications at a lower dose and may include a combination of the two of types of medications to lower blood pressure. Moreover, the treatment will depend on the overall health or if one suffers from any other condition. The medications for hypertension can come with minor side-effects such as dizziness and nausea. Following are some medications that aid in treating hypertension.

      • Thiazide diuretics – Thiazide diuretics or water pills are a type of medication or treatment for hypertension that help your kidneys in the body to eliminate sodium and water. Thereby decreasing the blood volume and eventually helping control the blood pressure.
      • Beta blockers – Acebutolol and atenolol are beta blockers that reduce the workload on the heart and open blood vessels, causing it to beat slower and exert less force. Most beta blockers are used in combination with other medications.
      • Calcium channel blockers Medications such as amlodipine and diltiazem are some examples of calcium channel blockers that help in relaxing the muscles of your blood vessels and, thus, slow the heart rate.
      • Angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors – Treatments with medications such as Zestril, Lotensin, and Capoten relaxes the blood vessels. They do so by blocking the formation of the chemical that narrows the blood vessel.
      • Angiotensin II receptor blockers (ARBs) – This treatment medications have similar effects as that of ACE inhibitors. Some examples of ARBs include Candesartan and Losartan. People who suffer from chronic kidney disease benefit from these types of medications.

Preventing hypertension

An individual cannot always control the risk of suffering from hypertension. However, healthy lifestyle habits will prevent the development over time and reduce the relating health problems, these include the following:

Health body weight – Excess weight makes one more susceptible to hypertension and can also complicate the condition further. Thus, a healthy body weight is one of the most important preventive measures for hypertension.

Watch what you eat – Consuming of healthy foods like fruits and vegetables are necessary to keep the condition and bay. Also, cut on salty foods as higher sodium intake will spike blood pressure levels. Avoid eating packaged or processed foods and adding extra salt to your meals.

Regular exercise – A sedentary lifestyle can have negative effects on the blood pressure levels. Thus, get moving with enough physical activity. Even moderate exercise for a few days in the week can do wonders to your heart’s health.