Support Aids for Seniors Living Alone (bath rails, stair assists, etc.)

Support Aids for Seniors Living Alone (bath rails, stair assists, etc.)

Living alone can be a challenge, and if seniors are the ones living all by themselves, it can be more strenuous. If you cannot be at home the entire day due to the nature of your work or other commitments, leaving your senior parent or relative unattended can be quite hazardous. To make life simpler for your elderly parent even when you aren’t around, certain support aids meant especially for seniors come in handy.

Support aids for seniors are a blessing in disguise since it allows them to get along fine even when people aren’t around to help them. It helps them with their mobility issues and prevents them from any unfortunate mishaps that most elders can be prone to.

So, here are some essential support aids that are available for seniors who live alone.

  • A pre-programmed phone
    Cell phones are an indispensable part of our lives since they allow us to establish communication without any hassle. Similarly, even seniors need this device in case they wish to get in touch with someone or in cases of emergencies. Ensure that you get an easy-to-use cell phone for your parent and pre-program it so that emergency services numbers, doctors, and family members are just a call away.
  • Grab bars for the bathroom
    It is common knowledge that as we grow old, our joints become weak and it becomes difficult for us to manage our body weight. It becomes a problem for older people to get up from the bathtub after a shower or after using the toilet. For this very purpose, you can install grab bars or rails in the bathroom; it will help your elderly parent hoist themselves up after using the shower or the toilet.
  • Risers for toilets
    Sitting on the toilet seat and getting up can exert a lot of pressure on an elderly individual’s joints. To prevent such inconveniences, you can get toilet risers installed. These add height to the otherwise low-heighted toilet seats and make it easy for seniors to use the washroom.
  • Stairlifts
    If your elderly parent has mobility issues, climbing up and getting down the stairs can pose a great hurdle. There are various stair assist devices that offer a solution to this problem, and amongst these the most popular ones are stairlifts. These are very convenient, and your parent would have no problem operating these. Ensure that you acquaint your parent with the safety instructions and help them operate it till they are comfortable with the same.
  • Lift chair
    People often think of lift chairs as a medium of comfort, which is true. However, in addition to providing comfort to the user, it is quite functional. Lift chairs are equipped with different features which help with the individual’s mobility issues. Lift chairs allow the individual to stand upright after sitting for a long time; a movement that triggers pain in the back and the joints.
  • Low-vision equipment
    In addition to ensuring that the house is appropriately lit, even at night, you need to provide low-vision enhancing equipment to your elderly parent. If your parent has poor vision, it can be a hindrance. So, invest in low-vision magnifiers or other low-vision aids that will allow senior citizens to watch TV, read, or indulge in their hobbies without any obstruction.