Safe and Tasty Human Foods for Cats

Safe and Tasty Human Foods for Cats

Human food can be tasty, though most would make a cat sick. If the food is not designed for cats, it will cause diarrhea, vomiting, loss of appetite, and allergies.
Here are some safe and tasty human foods that cats can eat:

1. Skinless chicken
Since cats are meat-eaters, they require a diet that is high in protein to enhance their health. Skinless chicken, especially chicken breast, is healthy for the cat as it is enriched with sufficient protein. Chicken can always be added to the cat’s food formula, though, it should be cooked appropriately and contain no added spices. Bones should be eliminated from the meal as they can splinter and get stuck in the cat’s throat and damage the digestive tract. Chicken for cats should be boiled and given with plain rice.m

2. Fish
The nutritional value of fish supports a cat’s skin, kidney, heart, fur, and joint health. Cats do love the taste of salmon and tuna. However, the tuna should be cooked and free of bones and all spices. Salmon should only be fed to the cat occasionally since it lacks enough taurine. Also, raw, cooked, or canned tuna should be provided in moderation as it does not contain all the necessary nutrients for the cat, and many canned fish contain too much excess sodium. A cat can develop thiamine deficiency when eating too much tuna.

3. Cooked eggs
Cooked eggs are an ideal source of vitamin B and protein. When raw, it would not be suitable to feed it to the cat as raw eggs can contain bacteria. Also, many cats suffer from egg allergies, so first be sure the cat is not allergic. Even though cooked egg is nutritious, sharing a prepared omelet is not advisable if it contains spices like onions or garlic, which are toxic for cats.

4. Broccoli
Broccoli is an ideal human food for the cat, more so if a feline likes it. Cats will eat plant materials when they need roughage, or want to get rid of a hairball. Broccoli can be given to a cat as an alternative to cat grass as they are full of fiber, and a rich source of vitamin C and K, which enhances the absorption of calcium and improves bone health. This veggie should always be thoroughly washed and introduced gradually in order to incorporate the cat’s digestive response.

5. Cucumber
Since cucumber is mainly made of water, it is ideal for hydrating the cat, especially during hotter days. It also contains Vitamin K, which is responsible for the cat’s healthy liver conditions and enhances blood clotting. This veggie also contains molybdenum, a mineral trace that improves the cat’s metabolism. Not forgetting, the vegetable contains potassium, magnesium, and copper that are ideal for the cat’s health and well-being. As much as the vegetable is nutritious, it should be given in moderation. Before it is fed to the cat, it should be peeled to eliminate any chances of contamination.