Overview – Bone Health and Osteoporosis

Overview – Bone Health and Osteoporosis

The bone is a growing tissue that continues to breakdown and grows over the course of life. They comprise of collagen and calcium phosphate. The protein and mineral is a combination of a soft yet strong framework. The bone cells automatically renew themselves and the process is never ending. Bone health is best during childhood and teenage years as bone formation is faster than resorption. However, as an individual grows older, bone resorption slowly begins to outpace bone formation. When bone health is affected due to quick bone resorption, the chances of developing osteoporosis are higher.

Osteoporosis, is a condition characterized by loss of bone mass and density. It leads to the weakening of the bones making them brittle. When an individual suffers from osteoporosis, the bone mass decreases at a faster pace. This is a progressive bone condition that can affect both men and women. However, women are at a higher risk of developing the disorder after menopause.

Causes of bone health deterioration and osteoporosis
There are several causes that lead to the development of this bone condition. Most causes are lifestyle habits that can be controlled and altered.

  • Lack of calcium
    Bones are made up of calcium. An inadequate supply of the mineral over a lifetime has been found to contribute to the lack of bone health. The rapid bone loss and low bone mass thereby contribute toward the development of osteoporosis.
  • Smoking
    Smokers are found to absorb less calcium from their diet. Thus, smoking is not only found to cause lung and heart disease, but osteoporosis too.
  • Lack of physical activity
    The bone is a living tissue and needs nurturing to become stronger. A lifestyle devoid of physical activity can cause bone health issues and gradual osteoporosis.
  • Medications
    Certain medications are found to cause bone loss. Long term use of medicines for cancer, seizures, thyroid and more can trigger bone loss as a side-effect. Thus, discussing the important issue of medications and treatment-effects is extremely important.

Signs and symptoms
This bone condition is a silent disease. Typically, there are no symptoms experienced in the early stages of osteoporosis. However, when the bones weaken, there are signs and symptoms that include-

  • Stooped posture
  • Weight loss
  • Sudden strain
  • Fracture at the slightest impact
  • Loss of height
  • Severe back pain

Treatment for osteoporosis involves following a wholesome diet, bone-strengthening exercises, medicines and safety measures to prevent bone fractures. These treatments are administered in combination and play an important role in slowing down the process of bone damage.

Foods that contain the required nutrition to aid in bone health must be a pivotal part of your daily diet. To promote strong bones, foods with vitamin D and calcium should be consumed in healthy proportions. The physician will give a list of food items and the time at which they can be included in the diet.

Exercise is an extremely important inclusion in the treatment process. It not only improves your health but increases the strength and coordination of the muscles. The types of exercises undertaken for osteoporosis treatment will excluded strain and hard-impacted activities.

Medicine therapy
Medications are used to prevent and slow down the progression of bone loss in osteoporosis. The several kinds of medications include calcitonin, estrogen therapy, parathyroid hormone and more.

A good way to prevent this condition is by striving to keep your bones in good health. Making some healthy lifestyle changes will go a long way in preventing osteoporosis.