Hair Loss – Signs and Prevention

Hair Loss – Signs and Prevention

Hair loss can occur in any part of the body, yet, it is more common and prominent on the scalp. There can be numerous causes of hair loss including hormonal changes, family history, health conditions, and consumption of certain types of medications. Typically, an individual loses 50 to 100 strands of hair every day which doesn’t cause any visible thinning of the scalp as the follicles keep sprouting new ones. However, when this normal cycle of hair growth and shedding is disturbed, the follicles suffer damage which triggers hair loss.

Symptoms of hair loss
Hair loss can unfold in different ways, i.e., it can be gradual or sudden. Moreover, it can be temporary or permanent based on its cause. Read further to know more about the hair loss symptoms.

  • Abrupt loosening of hair
    An emotional or physical trauma can lead the hair to loosen suddenly. While combing or washing your hair, a handful of it will just easily fall off. Usually, such form of hair loss results to overall thinning of hair rather than targeting specific patches of the scalp.
  • Thinning on top of the head
    A common type of hair loss, thinning on the top of head affects both women and men as they grow older. For men, the hair density starts to decrease from the forehead that is similar to the letter M. Likewise, for women the hair often recedes from the area where they part their hair.
  • Patchy or circular bald spots
    Certain individuals might experience circular and smooth bald spots on the scalp. Although, such type of hair loss can affect eyebrows and beards too. In few cases, the skin might suffer from itchiness and pain before the hair begins to fall out.
  • Scaly patches causing hair loss
    Due to some skin condition, if your scalp develops scaly patches, then it might lead to inflammation and blistering of the skin. This can result in unwarranted hair fall until the condition is treated.
  • Hair loss affecting the entire body
    Medical procedures like chemotherapy can lead to full-body hair loss. After the treatment is over, the hair grows back normally.

Hair loss that occurs due to aging usually isn’t a cause for concern. However, if your hair loss is associated with an underlying condition or seems to be sudden, then consult a doctor right away. Apart from seeking medical help, you can adopt these preventive measures to restore your hair growth-

  • Redesign your diet
    Protein is an essential contributor to healthy hair. Therefore, ensure that your diet comprises protein-rich sources like dairy products, seafood, eggs, and meat. Similarly, also increase the intake of foods having zinc, iron, and vitamin B12.
  • Go easy on hair styling
    Often dyeing, straightening, ironing or blow-drying the hair can strip off its luster and moisture that ensues to excessively dry and brittle hair, encouraging hair fall. To stop this, make sure that you avoid frequently hair styling.
  • Stress management
    One of the leading causes of hair loss is stress. Therefore, it is vital to address your emotional challenges first. This will allow your body to heal from this inside and promote hair growth. Try tacking stress with relaxing breathing techniques, yoga, meditation or therapy.
  • Massage your scalp
    Massaging the scalp can improve the blood circulation and allow the follicles to grow new strands. You should massage the scalp twice a week with hair oil to keep the roots moisturized and strong.