Foods to Avoid With Eczema

Foods to Avoid With Eczema

Eczema is a chronic skin condition and a form of atopic dermatitis. Some of the common symptoms of eczema include dry, red, scaly, inflamed, and itchy skin. Usually, individuals suffer from eczema due to an inflammatory response. While there’s no cure for the condition, you can find a wide variety of over-the-counter drugs and medications to reduce inflammation. In some cases, your physician may also recommend avoiding the following foods:

1. Dairy products

Milk is often a major cause of many allergic conditions, including eczema. The medical problem usually starts in infancy. According to statistics, about 10% of cases are triggered by foods, including milk. Many mothers offer cow milk as the first for their infants after breastfeeding. Other than digestive issues, medical experts have argued that the body develops antibodies to the food, and this leads to an immune response. The best treatment option for allergies associated with cow’s milk is to avoid milk and all dairy products, including milk powder, milk drinks, cheese, butter, and ice cream. All foods with hidden milk content should be avoided.

2. Citrus fruits

There are many documented cases of severe allergic reactions due to citrus fruits. One of the common citrus fruits is oranges, which are strongly acidifying and a source of itchy chemicals. Acids from oranges and other citrus fruits can cause irritation and inflammation in some people, and this worsens eczema symptoms. If you notice the symptoms after consuming citrus fruits, ensure that you avoid them. Ensure that you check the label when buying juice. You may find citrus juice mixed in for an extra punch.

3. Wheat

Gluten is found in some grains and is also known to cause allergies. According to medical professionals, gluten has the same effect on all eczema patients. Avoiding the grains can help in dealing with some cases of eczema. During a 2017 study, dermatologists found out that most people reported improvements after cutting gluten from their eczema diets.

4. Soy

Soy is found in soybeans and is a food allergy. In most cases, soy allergies start in infancy as a result of soy-based infant formula. Although a significant percentage of the children tend to outgrow the allergies, some patients carry them into adulthood. If you have soy allergies, consider avoiding foods that contain soy. This can be difficult for many people as it’s used in making meat products, baked goods, among other products.

5. Tomatoes

The fruits have also been linked to eczema. According to researchers, they’re common triggers for the medical condition. You can try an elimination diet to determine whether tomatoes affect eczema. If the symptoms worsen after consuming the fruits, eliminate them from your eczema diet.

6. Nuts

Nut allergies affect both children and adults and are eczema food triggers. There’re many types of nuts. If you notice allergic reactions after taking a particular type of nuts, you may also experience the same symptoms after consuming the other types.