Food Choices to Help Ease Arthritis

Food Choices to Help Ease Arthritis

Osteoarthritis is a painful condition caused by damage to cartilage around one’s bones. This typically results in stiffness, pain, swelling or grating sensations when trying to move affected areas.
However, certain foods may help ease arthritis symptoms naturally, such as:

1. Broccoli
Thankfully, a number of foods can help reduce the symptoms of osteoarthritis. Broccoli is one of the most important dietary treatments for the condition. It’s also among the most well studied of the dietary treatment options. A number of studies have shown that sulforaphane, a component of broccoli, can help people suffering from arthritis pain. The primary mechanism of action comes down to the body’s immune system. It typically targets damaged cartilage. And it can destroy damaged cartilage which would otherwise be able to heal. The sulforaphane in broccoli gives cartilage some extra time to properly heal up to a point where the immune system will no longer target it.

2. Brussels sprouts and cabbage
Brussel sprouts and cabbage also contain sulforaphane. This means that one will have similar benefits. The main advantage with brussel sprouts and cabbage comes from variety. A diet focusing on one vegetable can become monotonous over time. But balancing it with brussel sprouts and cabbage allows one to have a variety of tastes and textures while still benefiting from sulforaphanes.

3. Garlic
Garlic is especially useful due to the fact that it compliments so many recipes. It’s fairly easy to add a little garlic to a wide variety of foods. And in doing so one can gain the benefits of the daily disulfide found within it. This substance works within a complex series of reactions within the body. But the end result is that it helps block chondrocyte-like cells from damaging cartilage. This provides another method by which one can give the body more time to heal. Diallyl disulfide also helps to intervene in cases where the body mistakenly tries to remove otherwise healthy cartilage. Finally, the substance also has some anti-inflammatory properties. Osteoarthritis is typically classified as a non-inflammatory type of arthritis. However, the condition can cause secondary inflammation by hurting surrounding tissue. As such garlic can help reduce both pain and further damage to cartilage at the same time.

4. Turmeric
Turmeric also provides multiple methods of action. One of the more notable and immediate benefits comes from its anti-inflammatory action. As with garlic it’s important to remember that osteoarthritis isn’t an inflammatory type of arthritis. But inflammation can occur as a secondary response to damage caused by the primary factor of osteoarthritis. Turmeric can also help people lose weight. This means that many joints, such as one’s knees, will have less pressure placed upon them. This will have a dramatic impact on the toll osteoarthritis plays on those joints. It also reduces further degeneration of cartilage in the area.

5. Vitamin C rich fruits
Foods rich in vitamin C have been shown to decrease risk of cartilage loss and overall progression of osteoarthritis by three times. However, it’s less certain why that’s the case. What in vitamin C rich fruits is providing this benefit? There’s a good chance that much of the benefit comes from vitamin C’s role as an antioxidant. In addition, antioxidants are well known for their ability to stave off some types of cellular damage. On top of this, vitamin C rich fruits are also quite healthy. It’s possible that they play a role in weight loss. And this will, in turn, mean less weight on damaged joints. And finally they also have some of the anti-inflammatory properties as noted in the other options.