5 Common Warning Signs of Melanoma

5 Common Warning Signs of Melanoma

Melanoma is the deadliest kind of skin cancer. Up to this point, there are two main factors that have been identified to cause Melanoma: one is the exposure to ultraviolet (UV) radiation from sunlight, and the other is the genetic susceptibility, which is commonly found in the members of the population who have fair skin with light-colored eyes. In general, there are five common early warning signs of melanoma skin cancer:

1. Appearance of new or changes in existing moles
The change in the size, shape or color of an existing mole or the other skin lesion, the appearance of a new growth, or a sore with the growth that doesn’t heal. The most commonly recognized way called ABCDE method, in which:

  • A means Asymmetry: The mole has an irregular shape if you drew a line down the center of the mole.
  • B means Border; The edge of the mole is not smooth but irregular, notched or blurred.
  • C means Color: The mole has the unusually uneven shades and the combination of multiple colors like black, white, gray, brown, red, pink or blue.
  • D means Diameter: the spot is larger than the size of a pea or a pencil eraser (usually more than 6 millimeters across).
  • E means Evolving or Elevation: The spot is changing in size, shape or texture, it may help you determine whether the abnormal skin growth may be melanoma.

The symptoms at the earliest stage are often not apparent, but if you have noticed any of these signs on your skin, without a doubt, you should make an appointment with a dermatologist to get it checked out to be sure if it is melanoma, and the sooner the better as melanoma is highly treatable when it is detected early.

2. Spreading pigment
The spread of pigment from the border of the spot of the mole into the surrounding skin, which should usually be noticed by you – the patient and should certainly be brought to the attention of your doctor to get it checked out.

3. Redness or swelling
The redness or a new swelling going beyond the border of the spot of the mole, which should usually become more easy to be noticed by you – the patient and should certainly be brought to the attention of your doctor to get it checked out as well.

4. Change of skin sensation
The change of sensation, such as itchiness, tenderness or pain in the spot of the mole. In any case, if a mole becomes itchy, irritating, burning, painful and so on, it is clearly the signs of red flag, and as these symptoms become much easier to be noticed by you – the patient, you should definitely bring it to the attention of your doctor and get it checked out, without any hesitation.

5. Changes in mole surface
The change in the surface of a mole such as scaliness, oozing or bleeding, which is also a red flag and should easily be noticed by you, the patient, and be brought to the attention of your doctor to get it checked out.